Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Wish List

This is a list of things that I want for Christmas. Here we go!

1- Electric scooter
2- Golden Retriever (smooth coat, not rough)
3- Ipod/ mp3 player
4- Mini laptop computer**
5- 3 tickets to Spokane, Washington ***
6- Nintendo DS
7- Case for Ipod/mp3 player
8- Braces
9- Two front teeth
10- To be the nicest and richest boy in the whole entire world.
11-Five webkinz.


Things I wish I could give to people:

1- 10 friendship bracelets (if I like that person.)
2- A million dollars to Grandma and Papa.
3- 10 remote control cars to Maddie and Hunter.
4- 5 dogs to Christian.
5- All the frienship bracelets in the world to Paige, Harper and Blaire.
6- I would like to give my family a wish fairy so whenever they said they wanted something it would pop up and give them whatever they wanted.
7- I would like to give Jesus another life so he would still be alive on the earth.
8- I would like to give my Mom a new computer screen...don't ask.
9- I would like to give my Dad five of his own Oral Surgery practices so he can teach people how to do surgery like McGuire.
10- I would like to give Santa an extra set of elves to make extra toys for boys and girls and themselves.